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As I See It

Lame duck laws likely to be tied up in courts for years



Forget for a minute the debate over whether laws passed in Wisconsin’s lame-duck legislative session are right, or just. One thing for sure is that the result of that legislative action is going to be costly for taxpayers. The legislature passed 141 pages of legislation designed to limit the power of the incoming Governor and Attorney General. Many of those laws are going to be challenged in the courts. Incoming Attorney General Josh Kaul predicts there will be multiple litigation filed in multiple courts.s In fact, lawsuits have already been filed challenging the legislature approved laws limiting early voting opportunities. And if history is any guide, these lawsuits won’t be settled quickly, further driving up costs to taxpayers. The legal battle is still being fought over a lawsuit challenging Wisconsin lawmaker’s efforts to use redistricting as a way to strengthen the republican’s hold on power. That suit was filed in 2012, and now, almost 2019, we are still paying for lawyers to argue the case. Whenever a ruling does come from the courts, the losing side is likely to appeal to a higher court. But the biggest hit to taxpayers comes form legislation recently passed giving the legislature the authority to hire their own private attorneys to argue on behalf of laws they pass. They’re afraid the new Attorney General won’t back their efforts in the courts. Our lawmakers may as well just write a blank check for all the lawyers they will need, and leave room for plenty of zeroes.

Scott Robert Shaw serves as WIZM Program Director and News Director, and delivers the morning news on WKTY, Z-93 and 95.7 The Rock. Scott has been at Mid-West Family La Crosse since 1989, and authors Wisconsin's only daily radio editorial, "As I See It" heard on WIZM each weekday morning and afternoon.

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  1. George Caplan

    December 22, 2018 at 3:56 pm

    thats because democrats are very poor losers when they dont get their way or dont like what is being said they can not just move on and accept it they must carry on like petulant little children

  2. Guardian-ad-litem, representing logic

    December 27, 2018 at 2:09 am

    Oh jesus, george. Really, is that the best you can do? Take a look at just the last month, the antics and stunts the WI republican state majority pulled. That make you proud? I know how en vogue it is in these toxic days of tribalism to the detriment of our country to automatically default to “pleased” or whatever, just because the guy (that you perceive to be) on your “side” totally just “pwned da libtardz!!1” again, and/or how “derp, I live for librul tearz!!!!1!1!”, but the painful, honest truth is that the victim here is only {{directly}} Tony Evers- this time. The indirect collateral here is you, too, oh wise one. The ones getting pwned is you…and every other resident of this once-great State of Wisconsin. Just watch and see if this latest and most drastic affront to democracy in my lifetime is even found to be constitutional- seems pretty doubtful…even w/drumpf’s stacked judiciary, that pos doesn’t stand a chance, mark my words. These guys, their agenda (which has nothing positive for anyone w/an income under several million per year, provided they also grease the right cogs), the incessant lying and now straight-up pulling a coup against the constitution just to obtain-and REtain power only to themselves, immediately following the People’s very clear, LOUD, resounding and historic rejection of every single issue I listed above, should bother you too, george, because they work for you, your neighbors, and so on…and what they did is essentially held a meeting, and said, “Holy cow you guys; people are REALLY pissed off at us! You know, it’s weird they hate us and don’t want us around nearly as much as they used to, wonder how they can all be so wrong? We can always go back to a…wait, what’s it called again, oh yeah-‘democracy’ again later. You know, once they return to their senses and realize WE are what’s truly in their best interests, because they obviously don’t know what they’re doing right now. We’re just protecting them. From Democrats. As we support a pres w/oodles of love for, ties to, and aspirations of a future w/hostile foreign adversaries. The People of WI need Democracy, but they need the protections of us conservatives more. All in favor?” And, to Unanimous approval, I assume. These are the guys that you support, really? Really? That’s not the WI that I know, and love; it’s a disgusting perverted and revolting to anyone who wants what’s best for WI. It’s so gerrymandered that it’s damn near impossible for dems to win, and yet, they did…in a freaking landslide. Something like 62% of votes were cast for dems, but they won around 46% of races, of I recall…that sound rlegit to you? Turn off faux news once in awhile, give some “crazy-wacko-leftist news source just for fun-like, idk, maybe…some loony left-wing nutjob place like Reuters, or maybe even the AP…whoa, I bet you will find some super crazy, far-out/far-left, hippie anti-american stuff on there. Or, maybe even some rag like WaPo, or the Times, or hell, even the Journal-and we all know what a loonytunes leftist weirdo enclave the Wall St Journal is known to be-forever now, right?!?!
    Just try it, you might learn to love facts again. Or maybe at least appreciate them. And, maybe just maybe, someday possibly even *acknowledge* them??… Come on george. The guys getting freezes out in WI represent more than half the voters-people like your family, neighbors-not the taliban-come down off that ledge&start getting pissed that these guys not only want you to believe crap like this so you cheer their every dick-move, but so you keep them in power-and you’re letting them make you choose between your fam/neighbors and them, the politicians. And guess what? You’re choosing the politicians. Get your head right, george, this isn’t that complex.

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