Local News
Onalaska driver up to felony 4th OWI charge
A woman from Onalaska is charged with driving drunk for the fourth time, after being pulled over on Halloween in Monroe County.
The state patrol says 37-year-old Andrea Walker was seen weaving on Highway 27, almost hitting several other cars.
A trooper caught up with Walker’s car and stopped her after multiple violations.
In January, Walker was sentenced to 50 days in jail for her third OWI and her driver’s license was revoked for two years.
She has two open cases in La Crosse County court, related to driving offenses.

November 2, 2018 at 3:45 pm
Fourth time after how long? This is ridiculous! Wisconsin, I believe, is the most lax state in regard to DUI laws. The beer lobby probably has something to do with it. Why don’t we make the insurance companies notify the state that one’s insurance has lapsed? That being fait acompli, the state should suspend the person’s driver’s permit. There are many local bars that you can walk to without having to drive.