Director preparing to get La Crosse Center remodel back on track

Leaders of the La Crosse Center are eager to restart a big remodeling project.
“Obviously, we got off track here a few weeks ago, so we’re getting back on track,” Center director Art Fahey said, referring to La Crosse Mayor Tim Kabat’s veto of the $49 million renovation concept.
The veto came in part because of that price tag — originally it was around $42 million — and more so because the design stretched into Riverside Park.
Fahey said architects are reworking their designs and he’s looking at cutting costs by a few million dollars.
“Obviously, going in the park is totally off the table,” Fahey said. “We’re not even looking at that.
“The possibility of still having a river view is still there, but that would be limited to the parking lot and maybe over Front Street and that’s it.”
Fahey added there is still a possibility of including the small Radisson Center banquet hall at 2nd and Jay streets in the arena’s expansion plans.
A public discussion of the latest Center plans is scheduled for 4 p.m. Monday at the Chamber of Commerce building near City Hall.