Local News
Moon Tunes benefit concert morphs into full-blown community event

It started with a simple phone call to put on a benefit concert for flood victims. Now, it keeps getting bigger.
What was going to be a evening concert has turned into an all-day event set for Sept. 13 at the southside Oktoberfest grounds.
Moon Tunes organizer Terry Bauer said the idea began Tuesday with a call from TUGG’s Andy Hughes. Then the Great River Folk Festival got involved and Irish Fest and Riverfest and the Rotary Lights Club.
“Then I reached out to Pat Stephens because, you know, he can get things done in the community,” Bauer said.
The plan is ever-changing as more and more want to help. Moon Tunes posted it’s turned into a full-blown community project set to run now from 11 a.m. – 9 p.m. as sort of an encore to the summer Moon Tunes series.
The Moon Tunes concert series in La Crosse has been extended for a week until September 13th in order to hold the additional concert. Terry Bauer from Moon Tunes is leading the push to have a concert at the southside Oktoberfest grounds. But he says several other groups are joining in
“I think the whole community’s been affected by family, friends or co-workers that have been devastated by the flood,” Bauer said. “It’s unbelievable how muddy water can devastate your home, and everything you lived for is in a dumpster on the way to the dump and you’ve got nothing and have to start over.”
Bauer says representatives of those involved so far will get together Friday morning to hammer out details about the concert.