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Evers campaign releases recording of additional comments from former Walker secretary

The ad doesn’t look great for governor Walker. The outtakes are worse.
Peter Bildsten is the former Department of Financial Institutions secretary under Gov. Scott Walker.
Bildsten cut a digital ad for Democratic candidate for governor Tony Evers. Along with the ad, however, the Evers campaign released other comments from Bildsten, in which he pillories Walker over his scheming political machinations.
“He cares about his future,” Bildsten said of Walker. “He cares about his next job. How things are going to play takes precedence over what’s right.”
Bildsten says he watched Walker turn his entire administration into a political machine during the recall election of 2012. He says that only increased ahead of Walker’s failed presidential run in 2015.
“Then that got ramped up to another level,” he said. “And then it became very difficult and frustrating.”
Bildsten said things with Walker started out good enough — up until the recall in 2011.
“We were expected, directed; we had to get a little more political,” Bildsten said, in part of those released comments. “We had to get more visible. We had to do things that would play well with the electorate. So things changed all around the recall election.”
Bildsten served as Financial Institutions secretary from 2011 to 2015. The Walker campaign calls Bildsten a disgruntled ex-employee.
Bildsten said it “didn’t sit well” with him that he had to be more political and couldn’t focus as much on overseeing the state’s banking industry.
Here is the original ad: