Local News
Kabat proceeds with La Crosse wheel tax plans, to propose legislation in September

La Crosse mayor Tim Kabat’s recent talk about a city wheel tax is turning into some action.
An announcement from city hall on Tuesday says Kabat plans to introduce a measure next month establishing a wheel tax of $25 per eligible vehicle.
Kabat’s plan is to have the wheel tax sunset after five years. He says that should be enough time for the city to get caught up on long-deferred road repairs and for the state to come up with a better way to help local governments fund roads.
During an interview on WIZM earlier this month when he announced his plans to pursue a wheel tax, Kabat explained the idea as a bit of a last option for the city. “We’ve exhausted all of our options as far as how we want to continue to get caught up on all our local streets,” he said.
State law requires all wheel tax proceeds to go towards transportation needs.
The wheel tax would be applicable to all automobiles and light trucks under 8,000. That’s about 41,000 vehicles total in the city.
If the city council approves the wheel tax, it would be the fourth highest such tax in the state. Behind only the city of Milton and Milwaukee and Dane counties.