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La Crosse clerk wants voters to understand Tuesday’s primary ballot

Voting primaries in Wisconsin and Minnesota on Tuesday, including who runs for governor.
The La Crosse County clerk admits that the summer primary ballot is one of the most complicated you’ll find.
Ginny Dankmeyer wants to be sure that voters know they can only vote on one party’s candidates, unlike in November, where you can choose anybody on the ballot.
“And that’s where this gets the most complicated,” Dankmeyer said. “Most people get their ballot and they just pick their candidates they want to follow but you can’t do that with this partisan primary ballot.”
Any ballot which has votes cast in more than one party will be tossed out.
“So, if you’re following a Republican candidate that you want to vote for, then you’re not going to be able to switch over and vote for any Democratic candidates and vice versa,” Dankmeyer said.
In Wisconsin, there are races for governor on both sides but just the Republican candidate for U.S. Senator. In Minnesota both sides of the aisle are up for governor, senator and attorney general, among others.
To find what’s on your ballot in Wisconsin, click here. In Minnesota, go here.
Dankmeyer knows that many people tend to skip summer elections, perhaps because of having to choose a party or because the final vote is in November.
She thinks that races for governor and U.S. Senator race in Wisconsin might draw more than the 18 percent who cast ballots in August of 2016.
Both parties have contested primaries for governor, but only Republicans have a contest for Senator Tammy Baldwin’s seat.