Local News
La Crosse man charged with secretly recording ex having sex, stalking

A La Crosse man is suspected of stalking his ex-girlfriend and secretly recording her having sex.
Tyler Beeler was charged Tuesday with 12 counts of recording the woman without her consent during the last two months, which can legally be considered domestic abuse.
The 27-year-old was initially charged with stalking on May 16. Beeler contacted his ex-girlfriend over multiple social media platforms. Along with that, he signed the woman up to porn websites, Saran-wrapped her car and followed her even after she moved, among other things.
At one point, Beeler, who was already on GPS monitoring, circled the woman’s home and work 26 times, according to investigators.
Beeler was released from jail Friday as long as he turned over his phone to authorities.
That’s where police found photos and 10 videos of the woman when she was naked or having sex. They also found an aerial photo of the woman’s home.
Bond for Beeler is set at $10,000.