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Scott Walker, back in La Crosse, still searching for ways to fund roads

Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker made his second trip to La Crosse since State of the State speech Jan. 24.
Friday, at the La Crosse job service center, Walker talked of how he was still looking for ways to increase revenue for transportation needs in Wisconsin. He, however, hasn’t changed his mind on a gas tax.
“I will never increase the gas tax unless we can reduce or at least have an equal amount of a tax reduction somewhere else as part of the budget process,” he said.
Two years ago, Walker had threatened to veto any budget that included a rise in the gas tax.
Walker brought with him former Gov. Tommy Thompson. The two touted a record-low, three-percent unemployment rate.
Walker also told staffers at the job office Wisconsin needs to have skilled workers to fill the many positions that are now open around the state.