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Wisconsin GOP Sen. Johnson discusses his opposition to his party’s tax bill

Johnson not in favor of changes favoring big corporations over small
Wisconsin Sen. Ron Johnson has more than one objection to the Republican tax bill in Washington.
The big one, however, is how changes favor big corporations over smaller, pass-through businesses. Those make up 96 percent of all businesses.
“We need to make American businesses more competitive globally,” Johnson told WIZM. “But in doing that, we can’t leave any business behind. We have to maintain the competitive balance and position of all American businesses.”
Johnson says he won’t vote with his Republican colleagues on the tax bill in the form it’s written now because of the disparity in treatment of business under the bill. He also doesn’t think Congress should be cutting personal income taxes at all with a ballooning national deficit.
“I’d rather spend that deficit spending on infrastructure — something we all agree — rather than a tax plan that’s picking winners and losers,” Johnson said.
Johnson also believes the measure is moving in the wrong direction.
“Our tax system is unbelievable complex and that’s a real problem,” he said. “I really wish our efforts would have been towards simplification and rationalization rather than what we’re doing with the House and Senate bill.”
Johnson has left the possibility open that he would support the tax bill if changes are made to it. But, as it is, with things like tax cuts, he’s not exactly a fan.
In my two campaigns, I never promised I was going to cut anybody’s taxes because I’m concerned about the fact we’re mortgaging our kids’ future,” he said. “I don’t think it’s time to cut taxes.”
Johnson does support what he calls restructuring business taxes, which would allow American companies more competitive globally, he said.
Johnson said he’s been flooded with messages of support since coming out against his own party’s bill last week.