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Wisconsin Assembly unanimously condemns, by name, “white supremacists, Ku Klux Klan, neo-Nazis”

Legislature voted on resolution before Foxconn deal
A resolution approved by lawmakers in Madison at the beginning of a special session in Thursday condemns the violence that occurred in Charlottesville, Va., last week.
Democratic state rep JoCasta Zamarripa addressed those killed because of the violence, especially activist Heather Heyer.
“One thing that we know for certain about Heather,” Zamarripa said. “Heather Heyer was a great American. Invoking her rights. Advocating for equality. Insisting on fairness.
“We are with you Heather. We are you.”
The white supremacist spawned violence in Charlottesville was condemned from Wisconsin state Assembly prior to a vote on a big incentive package for Foxconn.
It was important to send a message, according to Republican state rep. Jim Steineke.
“The evil that exists, the hate that is based solely on the color of one’s skin, or the heritage of their family, is one that we cannot ignore,” Steineke said. “We must clearly and emphatically denounce.”
The assembly voted unanimously on a resolution to condemn the violence in Charlottesville. The resolution condemns, by name, “white supremacists, the Ku Klux Klan, neo-Nazis, and all those who rely on violence and hatred to advance their cause.”