As I See It
Wisconsin lawmakers can’t even agree on simplest things
The Wisconsin Legislature remains far apart on a new state budget. We are just weeks away from when that budget is supposed to be complete, but key budget committees haven’t even been meeting because they are so far apart on key issues. There are some thorny issues, including a new transportation budget, and how much to spend on schools and other things. But it seems even what seem the simples of issues can get rather slippery. Governor Walker proposed a sales tax holiday for back to school shopping. It would help moms and dads save a few bucks in taxes when they have to buy their kids school clothes, computers and supplies. Modest savings, but every little bit helps. Now it appears the sales tax holiday idea is dead in the Legislature, which instead would prefer to eliminate the personal property tax for businesses. It is estimated a sales tax holiday would cost the state $17 million, while eliminating the personal property tax would cost $260 million. Apparently we can’t afford both. If we lose $260 million in tax revenue, that threatens to cut funding for schools and municipalities. Let’s do what we can afford. Wisconsin should join 17 other states and adopt a sales tax holiday.